Book illustration for a short story by Daniil Kharms, translated into Hebrew by Roy Chen.
The story is a short, avant-gard telling about unrequited love and tragic death.

"I've been reading a very interesting book"
*translation by me, from right to left, according to Hebrew writing

I've been reading a very interesting book about a young man 
who fell in love with a young woman

and that young woman fell in love with another young man
and that young man fell in love with a different young woman

and that young woman fell in love with, obviously, a different young man
who didn't love her, but another young woman.

and suddenly this young woman falls into the sewerage and cracks her spine
but the moment she recovers, she catches a cold and pegs out

so the young man who loves her shoots himself in the head
and the young woman who loves this young man jumps under the train

so the young man who loves that young woman, out of sorrow, 
climbs a utility pole, grasps the electric chords and gets electrified to death

and the young woman who loves that young man gorges on smashed glass 
and dies from intestinal damage

so the young man who loves this young woman runs away to America and becomes
such a heavy drinker that he has to sell his last suit
and since he doesn't own any suits, he's lying in his bed and gets bedsores
and due to the bedsores - dies

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