My graduation project, “I hate” is a collection of things that, as the name suggests, I hate.                      
I was sick and tired of the “positive” movement, always staying optimistic, finding the good in everything and spreading love. I wanted to have a booklet full of hating and pettiness
The project is an 80 pages booklet full of texts and illustrations.

"I hate trying to keep myself alive while crossing Rothschild boulevard and scooters are trying to kill me" 

The typeface used in my project is a font I have created by using a charcoal pencil and replicating my own handwriting. This way, I wanted to give the work a unique, personal, and raw look, highlighting the genuine and authentic quality of the content.

"How many more public transport fines will I pay???"

"I hate paying for the Metronit. 6 shekels for two stops! I could walk, but when it's 40 degrees in the summer, I'd rather not"

"I hate my graduation project"
"I hate all those illustrations, I hate the format, I hate that this project made me cry in every cafe and bar I'm used to sit in this city; I hate the amount of money I spent in all those places desperately trying to work but only drinking instead. I hate how petty my project is, that I just couldn't choose a populistic, emotional and touching idea like the rest of my class. I hate that one moment I'm sure my work is better than everyone else's, but most of the time I'm just thinking how shit it is. But the thing I hate the most is everyone else's graduation projects."

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